Why Metaphor Therapy ?


The need that drives all of us to learn a new modality is varying and cannot be generalized .What i would like to share with therapists, counselor and healer  friends is my journey and how METAPHOR THERAPY guides and helps me.

Before i go on ,let me share that it is not only art analysis and drawing analysis and is not based on HTP model, but is a merger point of logic and intuition . The model of decoding drawings ,conversations and narrations is based on coding developed by me over 10 years  on basis on Indian Philosophy and  Anthroposophy .

What is Anthroposophy ?
Anthroposophy is a human oriented spiritual philosophy that reflects and speaks to the basic deep spiritual questions of humanity, to our basic artistic needs, to the need to relate to the world out of a scientific attitude of mind, and to the need to develop a relation to the world in complete freedom and based on completely individual judgments and decisions.

The Process -Whenever i work with a new client , i tune in to the metaphors they present through imagination ,drawings and conversations  and a picture of synopsis starts to emerge in my understanding .This how ever is different from what story line the client has been narrating. 

It is as though the client is presenting the concious cognitive understanding and the metaphors are presenting the sub concious or repressed content . I gently align the understanding to bring to clients awareness, the repressions and use projective techniques to reduce emotional charge attached to the concern. 

Many times therapeutic closures are not needed as the insight that is obtained creates a significant  shift .I have dealt with PTSD ,DEPRESSION ,ANXIETY, FEARS &PHOBIAS using the basic approach and have got astounding results . 

I also find that use of metaphors is imperative to therapeutic spaces as it lends and extra edge to the non judgemental but perceptive skill of the therapist .The beauty of metaphors is the way they can be integrated with other modalities  like CBT ,HYPNOTHERAPY ,REIKI and other healing modalities.

To share my passion for metaphors  attend the two day workshop . Click here to read more -http://www.metaphortherapy.co.in/home

Regards ,
Kirti Bakshi
Psychotherapist &Corporate Trainer 


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