As we grow older ,the time increases and interests decline . Now we have
all the time and not many activities that interest .
The life starts looking dull and boring . The empty nest syndrome hits
and you question the emptiness .
Suddenly a realisation that there are no hobbies, not many intimate
friends and yes, no passion for any thing .
What really happened ? I was so looking forward to being free .
The helpnessless of life takes over and you suddenely begin to realize
that no matter what you do ,you cannot change destiny .
The illusion of "i can do it" breaks and you put the arms down
. Can't fight life anymore . The fatigue takes over and you try to ignite hope
and interest in life all over again .
Theories of karma begin to sooth the emotional bruises . Self
realisation looks intresting and the pain of others creates a deeper impact
than ever .
You want to go and help with all the love that was so limited to the
family . You start thinking about death and birth cycles .
You are worried about the matters your efforts could not change . Life
teaches and how !
The problems you never thought about, stare at you and the fighting
spirit is turning to surrender .
The prayers give a different kind of hope and relief .Words of masters
and parents ring loud and you find yourself repeating them .
You have come a full circle but a new one is about to begin .
Your lessons of detachment ,surrender,karma and self discovery is about
to begin .
You are going to realize how unlimited detachment from desire makes you
You are going to discover how little needs to be done when you surrender
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